Foundatioin and KS2 sports day
Foundation phase sports day
A fun sport’s day afternoon was held on the 19th June with each pupil getting a chance to take part in a range of competitions.
KS2 Sports day and saying good-bye to Mrs Carys Jones
The KS2 sport’s day was held in the sunny afternoon of June 26th. A healthy competitive spirit was seen between the 4 teams throughout the afternoon. The winning team this year was team Dyfi with the Crewi team coming in second place. The trophy to the winning team was presented by Mrs Carys Jones who has recently left the primary campus after 10 tireless years of working in the primary office. We wish her well in her new role as marketing officer for the Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin.
The school would like to thank the PTA for their help with dispensing refreshments on both days.